GFC Chimica specializes in the production of concentrated pigment pastes and colorimetric services. Thanks to the great experience accumulated in 15 years of activity, the staff of GFC Chimica is able to provide the customer with a “turnkey” and tailor-made service.
GFC Chimica is specialized in supplying pigment dispersions and colorimetric services.
The final goal is not to “simply” sell a product, the pigment dispersion, but to offer tint development service, formulas development, tintometric machine interfacing service etc etc. Basing on 15 years of experience, GFC Chimica technicians is able to provide a tailor made service.
Starting from suppying one single pigment dispersion up to providing a full colorimetric system, the customer determinates its needs and it is our duty to provide the most compliant solution. We can supply products, color cards reading inputs, formulas, lab instruments: the customer will choose how far he wants us to go. Today GFC Chimica is supplying companies active in architectural paint production, paper and polyester composites fields with specific colorants and services.
- – LINEA ECO RU – Zero VOC pastes for water-based coatings for use in tinting machines – technical data sheet
- LINEA THERM – Paste basate su pigmenti IR riflettenti che permettono di realizzare un’ampia gamma di tinte a basso indice TSR che tengono le pareti più fredde nei mesi estivi e che prolungano la vita del rivestimento (pittura o rivestimento a spessore) rallentandone il degrado e che possono essere utilizzate – anche nelle tinte più scure – anche sui sistemi “a cappotto” – technical data sheet
- LINEA XIU – Paste coloranti all’acqua priva di legante e compatibile in un’ampia gamma di prodotti vernicianti a base acqua e base solvente – technical data sheet
Software and lab instruments:
– GFCTinter: latest generation formula management software with cloud service, automatic updates and autonomous backups. GFCTinter can interface with your dispenser for maximum ease of use.
– Formulation software and spettrophotmeters/colorimeter to develop “on request” tints.
A real colorimetry service designed and created on the customer’s paintings for maximum fidelity in color reproduction.
For more details visit our website dedicated to the colorimetric services that GFC Chimica offers to its customers: from technology to color.
Supply of customized color card with the customer’s brand. Large and modern color card for interiors and exteriors that can also be purchased in limited numbers.